My Stilled Life: Chapter 9
I always sleep in sweats when I'm in a hotel. Never know when you're going to be woken by some unexpected situation and have to run for your life. Trying to find one's pants in an emergency situation is not the easiest thing to do, and that's why I sleep in a sweatshirt and pants.
I woke to find Helen had pulled down my pants and was riding my morning wood. When I opened my eyes she smiled down at me and said, "Hey Ford, just thought I repay you for the best night I've had in ages. You lied though, you're not that tiny and I'd welcome any other weird things you might like to do."
I just let her post in the saddle for a while while I closed my eyes to heighten the sensation. When I was getting close, I used my leverage to flip us around so I was on top, tailoring my stroke to maximize my pleasure. I still had a few strokes to go when I saw the clock and made the decision to uncouple and extend our encounter.
I flopped down beside her still fully aroused. "I didn't want to finish just yet. We still have two hours before I need to leave and I thought I'd show you some of my weird things after I have a chance to use the bathroom.”
After relieving myself I walked back into the bedroom to find Helen had buried her head and shoulders in the quilts while exposing her backside for my perusal. I walked over and used my hand to squeeze her sex until moisture was gleaming around the outer edges. Slowly I swirled the head of my shaft against her outer lips until I had cleared a path, then made a slow thrust until I was fully engaged. A couple of sharp swats on her ass cheek gave her an incentive to gyrate a little faster. Reaching down I lifted her knees up to my waist in a modified wheelbarrow position. I instructed her to lock her ankles behind me so I could use my right hand to reach around and under her to get at her little sailor, while at the same time I reached down with my left to give her blond locks a little tug.
I continued to thrust until she'd climaxed for the third time, then she slowly used her muscles to clench and unclench my weapon until I finally gave in and unleashed a couple of years worth of pent-up semen. I collapsed on the floor dragging her down with me. She disengaged herself, rolled over, looked at me and began to laugh again.
I just looked at her and then at the clock.
“Shit, I need to shower," I said.
I hauled myself up and gingerly walked into the bathroom, pulling back the shower curtain and turning on the water. After adjusting the temperature I stepped in, using both hands to brace myself against the wall as I let the water flow over my head and neck. I felt rather than saw the shower curtain move. Helen wrapped her arms around my waist and began to grind her sex against my ass.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
"Just stand still for a moment, I need a little more."
Her hands moved from my stomach to my nipple which she began to tweak as she intensified her grind.
I didn't have the strength to resist so it’s lucky it only took a few minutes for her to reach the heavens a fourth time. I had enjoyed feeling her nipple tracing an abnormal pattern on my back but my butt cheeks were another matter.
As I walked across the lobby to meet Mr. Gad, I was still a bit damp and had a slight limp. I'd overdone it again, still thinking I was twenty.
"Good morning, Mr. Price. Did you hurt yourself yesterday?”
"No, just slept in the wrong position," I countered.
“Will Ms. White be joining us again today?”
"No, she wants to relax a little this morning.”
"Did you have breakfast, sir?
"No, I thought we could stop by McDonald’s. I saw one last night when we got off the ferry. I'll grab something there and eat while we drive.”
"Sorry, sir, the Toyota is on the West Bank this morning, and it wouldn't be good form to eat on the ferry."
OK, I'll grab something fast and eat it there. Shouldn't take long. But will this delay interfere with getting a ticket to Seti's tomb?”
"It's not a popular tomb and you need special permission to enter, but my brother was able to secure the necessary approvals and your ticket should be waiting at the ticket office. You will need to pay an inspector a little baksheesh to accompany you but 50 EP should be more than enough.”
McDonald's is less than a block from the hotel. I walked in, ordered, and put my hand into my pocket to retrieve some currency and felt a ball of silky smoothness. I was afraid to pull out the silk to get to at my cash because I didn't want to embarrass Mr. Gad, whom I assumed was a very proper Muslim.
"I'm sorry, I left my cash back at the hotel. Do you have any cash I can borrow?”
"No problem sir.
I got a sausage biscuit and coke then wolfed them down.
"Sorry, but I need to run back to my room and grab my cash. I'll meet you at the ferry office."
I was going to run but my legs would only allow a slow jog. Once in the lobby, I found a discreet corner, pulled the silk ball out of my pocket and found it was Helen’s soiled panties. "What a funster.” I put them in one of my camera bag’s many pockets and headed back out.
Mr. Gad had already gotten our tickets. I pulled out five one-hundred pound notes and passed them to him.
"Sir, this is way too much. I don't have change."
"Don't worry, just keep the change handy in case I need assistance again."
The ferry was crowded, which was a little unusual because you would suspect that they should be heading east into Luxor proper for work.
We walked up the hill to where the Toyota was parked. Mr. Gad took a good 10 minutes inspecting the vehicle to make sure it hadn't been tampered with.
We again drove past the Colossi of Memnon to the next intersection where we took a right and headed north. We fell in line behind several brightly colored tourist buses and made our way into the Valley of the Kings centipede style.
There's a covered parking area for tour buses just outside the Valley's entrance, but private cars are prohibited from using it. Mr. Gad had an arrangement with one of the merchants of the surrounding tourist shops, who let us park in the shade of his stall. He tipped the stall owner three hundred pounds which I felt was a little excessive but it wasn't my money, really.
The stalls were positioned where the tourists had to pass them on their way into and out of Valley of the Kings. They were selling everything a tourist could want to remember the day that they visited the Forest Lawn of 3000 years ago.
Mr. Gad walked me up to the ticket window and spent several minutes again extolling my virtues to the person in the booth and secured my ticket. He introduced me to Mr. Lateef, a middle aged inspector who was to accompany me into the tomb. Mr. Gad returned to the car and I walked into the Valley.
"Sir, would you like to ride the tram?" the inspector asked
"No, I think I'd like to walk.”
"Do you have water, sir?"
"Yeah, I've got plenty,"
The road was a bit steep but not bad. Just past the tomb of Tutankhamun, we took a left into the lane where Seti's tomb is sandwiched between that of Rameses I and Rameses X. I noticed that the entrance was a bit of a mess as the inspector unlocked the gate and pulled it back. "We had flash floods several seasons ago and many tombs were flooded, including the one you are about to enter. The water damage is somewhat extensive, but it can't diminish the magnificence of Seti's vision."
I stepped up to enter but the inspector said, "One moment sir, I need to make sure the lights are working." He entered the blackness that loomed before me, but within a minute the fluorescent fixtures that lined the floor sprang to life.
After making my way inside, I got my camera and tripod out and began to visually peruse the wall reliefs, contemplating the best way to capture their grandeur.
"Sir, how long will you be?" the inspector asked.
"Maybe a couple of hours. Is there a problem?"
"Not at all. I have other things I need to do. So if you agree, I will leave you for now and return in two hours. Is that agreeable with you?"
"Sure, I have no problem with it.”
"There is one thing though I will need to lock the gate. So others don't wander in."
"That's fine with me"
He left and I walked the tomb trying to decide how best to get some memorable images.
I was in one of the side chapels that contained a large wall relief of Hathor with a lot of little guys climbing all over her. I believed that this was part of the Book of the Heavenly Cow. The floor of the chapel was unevenly packed earth and it took some time to adjust my tripod and get the camera squared up. I was fine tuning my composition when I felt something tug on the back of my vest. My first thought was that the inspector had returned early, but when I turned I saw nothing until my vest was tugged again and I looked down to find a young boy looking up at me.
"Hello there, who are you and how did you get in here? Has the inspector returned?"
He pulled a note from his galabiya and handed it to me, saying baksheesh please with his other held up for me to fill. I didn't have anything smaller than a 50 EP note, which seemed absurdly generous. But I didn't see that I had an alternative.
I took the note from him, passed over the fifty-pound note, and he sprinted up to the darkened entrance. I saw a flash of light and heard a bang as the door slammed back in place.
After walking down to the vaulted tomb chamber I leaned against the railing that protects the descending shaft and opened the note. It pretty much looked like the message I had gotten at my hotel in Cairo. Typewritten message with only initials as a signature.
The message read:
You are still being watched.
Need a little more time for planning
Just keep enjoying yourself.
Helen seems like fun,
but I don’t know if I’d trust her.
I sat down across from a painted scene of Anubis performing the Opening of the Mouth spell, to ponder my predicament.
Twenty minutes later the inspector was back and he escorted me out of the valley to where Mr. Gad was sitting in the shade conversing with several other Egyptians. He spotted me. Finishing his tea and putting out his cigarette, he called out, "Sir, did you enjoy the tomb?”
"Yes, it's magnificent. From what I read in the guide book, it must have been amazing when Belzoni broke in. The description said that the wall paintings were in pristine condition, as fresh as if the craftsman had just put down his brush and walked away. It's a shame how much the tomb's interior has deteriorated since being disturbed. It won't be long before all the ancient spells are obliterated and another monument is sacrificed to the ‘Gods of Tourism.’”
I stopped by the front desk to inquire if there were any messages for me but all I got was "Not today, sir.
Back in my room, I got undress, showered they lay down for a short nap.
My alarm went off at 6:30. I was worn out so I decided to order room service.
20 minutes later my spaghetti bolognese, side of french fries and two Cokes had arrived. the waiter rolled the cart into my room where I tipped him, saying, "I can handle it from here. Can you put the Do Not Disturb sign on the door on your way out?”
I sat down to enjoy my meal in peace when there was a knock on the door. I ignored it.
I was going to enjoy my Spaghetti. It's one of the few instances that I'd listened to my father. During his world travels he'd found the worst thing that can happen to a solo traveler is food poisoning. You're disabled for days if not weeks having to pay for assistance. After much trial and error, he found that no matter where you were in the world spaghetti bolognese was usually a safe bet. So far it has worked for me
I was rolling out the room service cart when Helen popped up out of nowhere.
"Want to come in?"
"Yes, I'd like to talk."
Once inside, I told her that I was a little tired, but she undressed anyway and began to undo my belt.
“Give me a few minutes, I just finished eating. Let me use the bathroom if we're going to do this again. But, you're going to have to do all the work.”
All materials copyright 2017 Ronald Gary Dunlap